Best Resume Builders

Select an option below that best indicates where you are in your career and job search.

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ATS Resume Package

95% of resumes in an ATS are rejected, because they do not have keywords or not in the format that will get noticed.

An ATS (Applicant Tracking System) is a database used by several employers to "filter" resumes with keywords for the job they are looking to hire. 

Resumes with keywords get noticed first.

Best Resume Builder Review


Entry Level Package

This package is great for A student resume, entry level jobs and beginning your career. The package has more than enough documents to meet your needs.  All documents were developed in Microsoft Word.  Click here to learn more.

Basic Chronological Package

Have a few years experience? This package is for you.

This resume package includes everything in the entry level package and some extras.  The resume is chronological in format. This means a more historical outline with the most recent position at top.  Click here to learn more.

ATS Package

Application Tracking System or ATS friendly resumes are included. This means a format that attracts ATS systems and hiring managers when applying for jobs online.  This package includes our 195 keywords that are programmed in an ATS.  This is the secret sauce! Visit the product page and learn why the is a fan favorite!


This is perfect for wanting all the packages.  You may ask, why would you need all the previous packages.  You never know when your career or job status may change.  

Several people have gotten laid off and wonder how to change their resumes to simply get job to survive.  By having all the resumes, covers letters, other letters (email templates) as part of your arsenal, you will be better equip to adapt to a changing workforce. Click here to learn more.

Compare The Best Resume Builders!


What People Are Saying About The Best Resume Builders:

"The keywords are ones that I didn't think of"

— Jason H

"Thank you for creating bundles that helped with my job search"

— Jennifer P

"The Ultimate gave me what I needed. I love the job interview question guide. Clever!"

— Malik W

"Thank you for helping get comfortable with a job interview"

— Zoe

"It has been years since I have looked at my resume. The templates were very easy to use. Loved the keywords"

— Nate

"Valuable information and affordable"

— Cynthia

If you would like to see certain items or tools please contact us.

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